Chapter 4
Armed with your new magic wand, you and your friends enter
The Whispering Woods, a cursed and haunted place. As you enter
the woods, your wand begins to shine, and illuminates a path
through the trees!
With a wave of the wand, an invisible elven village materializes
before you! Wood elves emerge from their hidden homes, with one
elf approaching and introducing herself as Fern.
“You must help us!” she exclaims. “An evil wizard has put a powerful enchantment upon our village, trapping us in this spirit form, we are invisible to the world around us!” She asks you
for your aid, hoping you can finally break the curse. “I have heard rumors of the brave adventurer who is seeking to reunite the pieces of the broken blade. In return for helping us, I will bestow upon you a piece we have been keeping safe all these years.”
Slowly Fern and her fellow villagers begin to fade once more. Before they vanish altogether, they cry out as one, “Seek out the fireflies!”
Later that night, you find hundreds of fireflies glimmering in the shadowy woods. You notice that their blinking lights do not seem to be entirely random. Suddenly, you realize they are blinking to you in Morse code! If you can decode the fireflies’ message, you can break the curse for the elves and they will help you restore the blade.

The Whispering Woods

You run back to the village and do just as instructed. Snapping the wand in half, there is a magnificent burst of light, and Fern and the elves become visible once again. You have lifted the curse! Filled with gratitude, the villagers uphold their end of the deal and bestow upon you a piece of the broken blade.
“I recommend taking some of our fireflies with you as well,” Fern advises. “They will help light your way when all light seems to be gone.” Armed with your new lantern full of fireflies, you continue your journey to complete the blade of Berwickia.
Color in the Week 4 shard on the Adventure Log in your summer reading program packet.
You now have a firefly lantern from the Whispering Wood elves. Visit the library to pick up a sticker of the firefly lantern to add to your Adventure Log.

Now that you've found the shard from The Whispering Woods, you can continue on your journey to
the next region of Berwickia: Captain's Cove.