Chapter 6
The Perilous Peak

At the base of The Perilous Peak, you meet Alice the Abominable Snowmonster. But it seems Ulrich was mistaken. She's not Alice the Abominable Snowmonster. She's Alice the Apologetic Snowmonster. So sorry!
She's glad you have a compass to find your way over the mountain, but ... she's not allowed to let anyone leave the peak and pick up the blade piece until they give her the peak password. Sorry! Because it's SUCH a pain, she actually wrote the password down for you! But then -- ugh, SO sorry! -- the wind scattered the letters, so you'll have to find them yourself and
put them in the right order.
All Alice can give you are photos of where she last saw the
letters. Since it is a peak, the letters are all up rather high.
Sorry about that! Is it too much trouble for you to try
to find the letters and put them in the right order to give
Alice the peak password and then get the blade? Thank you so much and, again, SO SORRY!
Alice's password scavenger hunt is available at the library!
If you're playing along at home, complete the activity below before moving on with the story.

Color in the Week 6 shard on the Adventure Log in your summer reading program packet.
Alice is now joining you on your journey! Visit the library to pick up a sticker of Alice to add to your Adventure Log.
Alice lets you leave The Perilous Peak, and apologizes for the apology in the password. “I’m so
sorry I made you search for those letters! I can now show you where the blade piece is kept. And maybe it’s OK if I come with you as you finish your journey? Sorry to ask, but it gets lonely on this peak and I enjoyed sort of helping you on your quest. Sorry if it’s a pain! No problem if it’s a no!”
But it’s a yes! Alice is happy to befriend your new companions, and
they insist no apologies are necessary as they make their way to
The Fairy Ring Forest...

Now that you've found the shard from The Perilous Peak, you can continue on your journey to
the next region of Berwickia: The Fairy Ring Forest.