Mission Statement
The Berwick Public Library provides a vibrant and dynamic place where the community engages in personal enrichment. People of all ages are welcome and will have free access to information that promotes and inspires their educational, recreational, and cultural interests.
Library Operations
Library operations are funded by the Town of Berwick and through fundraising events run by the non-profit organization the Berwick Library Association.
Library cards are free to all Berwick residents, as is use of the library.
Non-Resident cards cost $15 per year.
Berwick residents can take advantage of reciprocal library card agreements with the D.A. Hurd Library in North Berwick, the South Berwick Public Library, and the Martha Sawyer Public Library in Lebanon. You may also apply for a free library card to the Portland Public Library to access more services. For information about these opportunities, ask at the circulation desk.
Berwick Library Association
Kristen Dolloff, President
Laurie Pierce, Vice President
Veronica Ulery, Secretary
Cathy Schweiger, Treasurer
Jerry Morin
Jenn Gamlin
Leslie Slater
Terri Wright
Audra Byram
The BLA meets on the second Tuesday of each month.
A Brief History
In 1987, a committed group of Berwick residents banded together to form Berwick's first public library. Books, donated by the community, were housed in the library's first location, a room in Berwick Town Hall. That room is now the Town Manager's office.
By November 1995, the library had moved to 43 Route 236 in the post office building. Its space (less than 1200 square feet) could seat just eight adults; only six to eight preschoolers could attend story hour; over 1000 volumes sat in storage because of insufficient shelf space.
In 1996, Richard W. Stillings bequeathed 1000 shares of General Electric stock to the Berwick Public Library for the sole purpose of building a permanent library in Berwick. In 2000, the Philbrick Family gave 3 acres of land to the Berwick Library Association. These generous donations prompted a major campaign to raise the capital needed to open a new library in Berwick. Residents, businesses, and foundations responded admirably. The new Berwick Public Library opened in summer 2005, having been built without Town, State, or Federal funding.
Library Director
Sharon Kelly
Assistant Library Director
Children's Librarian
Shilo Fiel
Circulation Manager
Emma Fraser
Circulation Specialists
Sara Gove
Joanna Higgins